Sometimes the best form of birth control is simply being around kids. A couple hours with a pack full of snot-filled punks looking to wipe their germy, dirt stained grubby paws on your nice things while simultaneously shrieking in your ear at ear splitting volume and trying to cut off your dog's tail with kitchen shears is all you need to stay blissfully childless forever, even if it means abstinence.
This month All Things Horror presents a night of twisted teens and killer kids with a program we like to call The Kids Aren't All Right.
For our feature film we are proud to be the area premiere FOUND. This criticially acclaimed indie has won a number of awards on the festival circuit including Best Feature, Best Actor (Gavin Brown) and Best Special Effects at the 2013 NYC Horror Film Festival, The Jury and Audience award at the 2013 Molins de Rei Horror Film Festival in Barcelona, and Best Feature and Best Actor (Gavin Brown) awards at the 2013 Eerie Horror Film Festival.
FOUND is the story of a young boy that retreats into horror movies to escape the constant bullying of his peers and parents that don't understand him. His love for horror movies knows no limits...until his life turns into one. When Marty discovers his older brother is a serial killer, the ties that bind family together are stretched to their breaking point in this often horrific, often moving coming of age story.
"Stunning, an absolutely brilliant piece of art which will grab you, pull you and keep you there under its bloody and groesque wing and it will not let up until the final few seconds"
For stills, reviews, news and the trailer go to: FOUND (official site)
Short films:
AWAKE A young boy suffering from insomnia finds it impossible to separate reality from his violent fantasies
THE EARTH REJECTS HIM A child makes a startling and horrific discovery while biking through the woods.
+1 more TBD